Tourist tips
The city of Brno offers a wealth of cultural events and you will find many significant sights worth visiting around the local area. Be sure not to miss any of them, we have prepared a brief overview for your added comfort and orientation.
The old castle which dominates the city was founded in the 13th century and has been reconstructed several times. It was declared a national heritage and cultural site in 1962 and is currently one of the buildings of the Museum of Brno. The castle offers a wonderful view over the city. (
By car: 15 min.
Villa Tugendhat is a unique functionalist work and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It‘s unique architecture set new standards for modern living. ( By car: 15 min.
Jungle park is a climbing centre, located just one kilometer away from our hotel. The sports and recreation complex sprawls through a beautiful forest along the river Svratka. Anyone craving an unusual experience in the treetops should visit. Jungle park draws you into nature and enriches visitors with new experiences. (
By car: 10 min.
Launch a hydrogen rocket, star in the TV weather report, freeze your own shadow, experience an earthquake, set free a tornado, and get to the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle. All these experiences and many more are waiting for you in the VIDA! science centre.
By car: 10 min.
Water park Riviéra is among the largest natural swimming pool in the Czech Republic. Their situational layout is suitable not only for relaxing but also for actively spent time near the city center. (
By car: 10 min.
Veveří Castle is a popular destination for day-trippers, which rises on a cliff near Brno over the reservoir. The castle has a bridge which goes over the reservoir for pedestrians and cyclists. Veveří Castle is one of the largest and oldest castle complexes not only in Moravia but also in the Czech Republic. For the most beautiful views of the castle, visitors are offered boat trips passing beneath the castle on the reservoir.
By car: 15 min.
Brno Zoo is located near the reservoir. It focuses primarily on hoofed animal but also includes other more attractive animals like polar bears, tigers and monkeys. Brno Zoo attracts both the casual and keener animal enthusiasts. (
By walk: 60 min. / By car: 5 min.
The Lednice-Valtice Area is considered the largest complex landscape in Europe and perhaps the world, and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. There you will find the Lednice and Valtice castles and other scattered buildings and natural landmarks. (
By car: 50 min.
The town of Slavkov u Brna is famous for the Battle of Austerlitz in 1805 a few kilometres west of the town. At the battle 3 emperors defeated Napoleon and his army with the allied forces of Russia and Austria. (
By car: 30 min.
Kroměříž is an extraordinarily beautiful town, especially the Archbishop’s Palace and its gardens which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Kroměříž is located about 60 km from Brno. (
By car: 50 min.
The Moravian Karst is the largest karst area in the Czech Republic and includes Macocha Gorge and the Punkva caves on the river Punkva, 40 km away from the Moravian capital. The main tourist attraction of the Moravian Karst is the world famous Macocha Gorge, part of the Punkva caves, reaching depths of 138 m.
By car: 40 min.
The Cistercian monastery Porta Coeli is the only Moravian Cistercian convent and is a national monument.
By car: 30 min.
The Castle of Pernštejn is one of the most important castles in Moravia founded in the 13th century and open to the public. The castle is located at the eastern edge of the highlands, near the village Pernštejn and like any good castle has it‘s fair share of all sorts of scary tales.(
By car: 50 min.